Wednesday, March 3, 2010


A number of people, who have been initiated into Guru Siyags Siddha Yoga through Shaktipat (initiation), testify that during meditation they have witnessed events of the distant past and those that are to happen. Some have gone on record to say that they could see their own past lives. Says Guru Siyag, Once you make sufficient progress on the spiritual path through Siddha Yoga, you will develop special powers which will enable you to take a peek into distant past or future. You can see those events as if you are watching them live on a television screen.
Guru Siyag points out that ancient Hindu sage Patanjali, who was the first sage to have codified the vast system of Yoga, has clearly stated in his treatise Yoga Sutra that it is possible for a spiritual seeker to develop Pratibh Gyan (intuitive knowledge) which enables to see deep into distant past or future. Nothing remains hidden from his gaze; he can instantly visualize at will even the most obscure object. As a matter of fact, sage Patanjali goes further by saying that a spiritual seeker or Yogi who has attained intuitive knowledge, can also experience his five senses of perception grow to the ultimate perfection. This helps the Yogi to experience the divine super sensuous sound, touch, sight, taste and smell. For a Yogi who has reached this stage, God is not a subject of mere imagination; he can experience divinity through all the super developed senses of perception something that no ordinary man can even begin to imagine. These facts can be practically verified by any person, it takes only 15 mins, by following a Simple Experimental
Method of Meditation Free Download from

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