Wednesday, April 29, 2009



A lifeless Photograph controls and induces physical body movement in Human Beings. A subject not yet researched by the Modern Science. Hundreds of Men, Women and Children experienced and eye witnessed this, at “Siddha Yoga by Guru Siyag’s Photograph” at a program held at Sayla town in Jalore district in Jodhpur division of Rajasthan in India. On 31 Aug 2008, Thursday morning at 8 Am.

A mass of about 1100 people gathered at the town playground, took their seats in front of a big Photograph of Guru Siyag. They saw the Photo of Guru Siyag for 2 min’s, closed their eyes, and made a mental prayer to Guru Siyag, to get them induced with “Automatic Spiritual Meditation” for 15 min’s. Then started to imagine the Photo image of Guru Siyag, on their forehead, between the eyebrows in their mind with their eye’s closed. Simultaneously started to chant any sacred word of their choice like Guru, God, Jesus, Allah, Krishna or Rama, in their mind, without moving their tongue or lips. Within a few minutes they were induced by Spiritual Meditation. Their body was undergoing different body movements. This process continued for 15 min’s and stopped automatically.
The participants explained it as totally automatic process, without any effort from their side. Their body movements were against their will, they had no control over their own body movements. They were astonished to experience a state of Spiritual Meditation in which they had no control over their own body movements, as if some unknown spiritual power was controlling their body movements. They claimed that after this 15 min’s process, their body and mind was relaxed and refreshed with energy, never experienced.
“Guru Siyag’s Siddha Yoga”, as described by Guru Siyag, it is based on the Vedic science, which aims at all round complete development of the Being. By continuous practice it makes the body free from all kinds of Physical, Mental and Spiritual diseases, even the uncurable diseases like Cancer and AIDS. Guru Siyag, a Rajasthan, India based Siddha Yoga Propagater as well as the Founder and Patron of Adhyatma Vigyan Satsang Kendra ( Spiritual Science Commune Centre), Jodhpur, say’s that any interested person can experience this Siddha Yoga using a Photo Image of “Guru Siyag”, sitting in any corner of the World, he will get induced by Guru Siyag’s Siddha Yoga, Telepathically.
This requires no prior knowledge, experience or no practice of Siddha Yoga, as this process is automatically controlled by the Spiritual power called “Kundalini”, which resides in every Human. This “Kundalini” is awakened by Guru Siyag. This looks after the process of complete development of Human Being, under the control of Guru Siyag. In this process Guru Siyag initiates the seeker with “Shaktipaat”. Awakening the mother power “Kundalini”, this resides in every Human Body.
This process requires two methods to be practiced continuously. One process is Meditation and second one is Mental Chanting of the sacred word given by Guru Siyag. Any one interested, can experience it on the spot, it takes only 15 min’s, just by following a simple
Free Download
Method of Meditation given on

Photograph induces physical body movement in Humans - Mystery for Science

“Man to Superman”
Complete transformation of Mankind by
“A technique more advanced than Genetic engineering”

Aurobindo was the only person in mankind’s history, to predict “Divine transformation of mankind”, and Guru Siyag is the only person who has made millions of people to realize and visualize this fact, practically.In other word’s, we can regard it as a “Advanced technique than Genetic engineering”.

Even a mere lifeless Photograph of Guru Siyag is inducing automatic yogic kriya's or physical body movements (lifeless Photo controls human body), during the state of spiritual meditation, as per the "Method of Meditation" given on
If some one does not get immediate result, due to lack of positive approach, he can try it out on other people, even a 5 years Child can do it.

To acquire knowledge or learn it, we have to approach the Guru (Master or Teacher) with a view point of a disciplined student, not with our mind full of suspicion, Ego and negative thoughts. If we approach Guru Siyag's Siddha Yoga with a Positive mind, nobody can stop us from getting practical result, sitting in any corner of the world.

Do you think Americans are less hard workers than Indians? , just a few day’s back, I came across a news about the prevailing economic crisis, saying that many were unable to pay even the electricity bills, their hard work was unable to stop the financial crisis. Are the scientists not working hard? They are unable to find a permanent cure for diseases. The BSE sensex crashed from 21000 to 9000, hard work could not prevent it.

The highest achievement of hard work is in the form of a huge stock of weapons of mass destruction, sufficient to destroy the world hundreds of times.

In spite of all hard work by international security agencies, most of the countries are being hit by terrorist attacks, killing innocent people; the terrorism is growing at alarming rate.
In spite of all these signs of our minds failure, we are still not ready to accept the limitations of our Brain, Mind and Science.

The time has come, when we must look beyond our ‘Mind’ and Science, to discover the “Super Mind” and “Superman hood” in this Human Body, in other words, we must develop our Body and Mind to attain the next higher version of present form of Human Being. Overcome all the limitations of this present form of human body and science, solving each and every problem of the entire World. It is nothing but the evolutionary process of ‘Beings’ or living organisms, which are undergoing continuous process of development, evolving into higher form of species.

Guru Siyag, a Spiritual Science Guru from Jodhpur town of Rajasthan state in India has introduced a ‘Practical Method’ to attain the “Next stage of development” in human beings. Guru Siyag’s method is based on the solid principles of ancient Indian Yoga Philosophy. Guru Siyag has proved it to be a complete science; Vedic Science gives results which can overcome all the draw backs and side effects of modern science. Guru Siyag is the founder and patron of AVSK: Adhyatma Vigyan Satsang Kendra, Jodhpur, INDIA (Spiritual Science Commune Centre).

Guru Siyag’s method is termed as Siddha Yoga; many people mistakenly take it as the prevailing form of ‘Yoga’ for health, which is a mere physical exercise, an artificial form resembling only a single part of ‘Yoga’. Where as the ‘Real Yoga’ has nothing to do with this artificial physical exercise kind of ‘Yoga’.

Guru Siyag has proved that the ‘Real Siddha Yoga’ aims at the complete and next development of human body to attain a divine bodily form, in other words, attaining ‘Super Mind’ and ‘Superman hood’. The changes observed in millions of People who follow Guru Siyag’s Siddha Yoga method, is a clear proof of this fact.

Guru Siyag's Siddha Yoga has given practical results in solving man made problems, curing the so called incurable diseases like Cancer, Arthritis, Hepatitis, Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Mental stress and AIDS without medicine, getting rid of all kinds of drug and other addictions without any after effects are only a few of its practical benefits. It is not at all a subject matter of blind belief or faith, and it can be verified practically.

Just take a careful look at the past history of Incarnations as per the Vedanta philosophy-
Matsya Avatar (incarnation) indicates the evolution and development of living Organisms in water, from single celled Amoeba to multi celled organisms.
Kasyap Avatar (incarnation) represents the next development in Living Organism, developing species like tortoise, crocodile etc., as now it was able to live in water as well as on land, the work not done by matsya was achieved by kasyap.
Then Varah incarnation arrived to bring about the next development, making the Living organisms able to live on Land, equipped with enhanced capabilities than the previous Version (Kasyap).
Narasimha incarnation indicates the next stage of development, developing Animals to Humans.
The development process went on in the form of Vamana, Parshurama, Ram and Krishna. Every Incarnation carried out the Next Development in the "Being".

It clearly indicates that every Incarnation represents the different stages of development process of living organisms on earth, as per the evolutionary development process. Each incarnation achieved a higher goal than the previous incarnations, and what was not achieved by all the past incarnations, will be achieved by the 10th incarnation called "Kalki", and this process of next development has already begun, leading towards the evolution of ‘Super mind and Superman hood’.
Not only Vedanta Philosophy( Presently known as Hinduism), but even other world religions like Christianity and Judaism are also declaring about the same “Person” but in different names called “The Comforter” or the “Next Prophet”, this is a “Amazing similarity of the world Religions”.

Guru Siyag has induced this process of next development in millions of people, who are practically experiencing this new discovery of Spiritual Science, exploring new frontiers of Evolutionary process.
This process prepares us to face the forthcoming “World Crisis”, uniting the world with peace and harmony, forever.

The incarnations took place from time to time, in order to bring about a revolutionary change or next development, and not just showing some miracles (Siddhis).

looking at the past history of incarnations, it is clear that if the "Kalki has come, he should bring about practical changes in Human's, leading to Next Development, never heard, seen or experienced before.

It clearly indicates that if the "Kalki" has arrived, every Human Being should be able to feel the change; Guru Siyag is practically inducing these Changes indicating the next development of Human Being, to attain a divine form.
("The Life Divine" by Aurobindo gives detailed description about Divine transformation of Mankind).

The changes observed in millions of People induced with "Shaktipaat" diksha by Guru Siyag, are like seeing incidents of unlimited past and future (Pratibh Gyan-Patanjali yoga sutra).
Ravindra Jain, a civil engineer saw the death of his friend in a road mishap, just after a few days, the incident occurred.
Mr. Tejpaal, businessman from Bangalore, saw the earthquake of "Latur"(Maharashtra) a week before it took place.

People get rid of drugs like Heroine, Opium, Alcohol, within a few days of Meditation.
More than 800 Medical Reports of patients showing cured from so called incurable disease like cancer and AIDS are available for verification at the AVSK headquarters, Jodhpur, India.

The Ashtang yoga or the Siddha Yoga was never limited to cure of diseases; it aims at the complete development of Human.
In simple words we can say "Yoga" means "Plus”, the union of Soul with the universal consciousness force which has several names like God, Jesus, Allah, Ishwar, Rama, Buddha, Krishna etc.
The Ashtaang yog or Patanjalis yog sutra's which were limited to reading or practice by Hatha yoga, have been made easy to realize practically, without any effort from our side, by Guru Siyag's Siddha Yoga.

Any way, one has to do it practically, with a positive approach and curiosity to learn, only then one can believe it, as it has never happened in Mankind’s History.
We can experiment it right now, sitting at our home, in any corner of the World. It requires no learning, nor any prior knowledge. All it requires is 15 min’s with a positive approach. So simple to do it yourself, even a 5 year child can do it; the reason is that it requires no effort from your side.

The medium of this experiment is a Photograph of Guru Siyag. Yes, Guru Siyag will induce and control this process telepathically through the Photograph of Guru Siyag, giving on the spot results.

Just click the “Method of Meditation” given on and follow the method, and all the remaining process will be controlled by the Spiritual power present in every human body, telepathically under the control of Guru Siyag. Surprisingly, to experiment this process, you need not to have met Guru Siyag face to face.

A mere lifeless Photograph of Guru Siyag downloaded from the above link is more than enough to get you start off practically, exploring the unlimited potential powers of Spiritual Science.


Prevailing Economical, Environmental, Political and Military Crisis of the World, are a clear indication of the forthcoming World Crisis, ready to engulf the Peace and Harmony on Planet Earth. This has made me to convey this message to the Intellectual Community of the whole World, so that they can analyze the possible solution to save the Mankind from a World Crisis.

The present World Scenario was foreseen by the ancient sages, astrologers and Spiritual People of Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism, they had predicted the “World Crisis”, hundreds and thousands years back.

I have been a student of Spiritual Science, Modern Science, Industrial and Business management, Agriculture, as well as Mass Communication and Journalism. Experimenting Spiritual Science for more than 11 years, finally concluded that, the "New Innovative Method" of Spiritual Science, as Discovered by Guru Siyag, a Spiritual Genius from India, can save the Mankind from World Crisis.

Guru Siyag has proved that, Spiritual Science based on the solid principles of ancient Vedanta Philosophy of India, is a practical Science, which gives spot results, just like a modern science experiment. Guru Siyag has developed a simple, yet powerful "15 Min’s Method" of Experimenting Spiritual Science, giving on the spot, unmatchable results. As discovered by Guru Siyag, the Vedic Science based Method aims at the "Complete Development of Human Being".

Yes, Man is a Transitional Being, and not yet complete, undergoing the process of development cycle of Nature. The evolution of living organisms started with the single celled species like Amoeba, then developed into fish, tortoise, animals, monkey, Homosapiens and Man. Man is the highest developed living organism at present time. Man too is under the process of changing into a next or higher stage of the living organisms.

When we have noticed the development process from Amoeba to Man, we have to accept the truth that Man will also undergo the process of development cycle of Nature. As a law of nature, every thing undergoes continuous change. As these changes take place slowly, over thousands of years, we are unable to notice or judge them.

Let us come to the point. The present form of Man is dependent on external sources or materials, for survival. As a development process, the Man has developed its Brain capacity to a great extent, when compared to 100 years back.

This has resulted in the Maximum development of Modern Science increasing dependency on machines and electronic gadgets. In spite of all its present development of Science, there is no end to the Sorrows and Miseries of life; we have not been able to win over even the Diseases.

Guru Siyag has proved that the problems left unsolved by Modern Science, cannot be solved until and unless the "Next Development" process in Human Beings is induced. In the language of Genetic Engineering, we can say that, the making of a Superman can only solve the problems forever.

The Vedic Science clearly say's that Man can develop such powers, so that he will not have to rely on any external material or source, to fulfill his requirements. Guru Siyag clarified this by pointing out at the most important Formula of the Vedic Science, which say's - "What ever present in the Universe, is present in the Human Body, and what ever present in the Human Body is present in the Universe". Then where is the need for the Human to depend on external sources and materials.

Complete Development of Human is nothing but developing the present form of Human body, into a "Divine Bodily form" or a Superior Bodily form, which will possess the powers and capability to create materialistic things, without relying on external raw materials. This Superior bodily form will not be affected by any kind of Diseases or Infections, nor can be destroyed by fire or weapons.

This description seems to be comic story, but the results obtained by the people who have been experimenting with Spiritual Science, under the guidance and leadership of Guru Siyag, are more than enough, to make us sure of moving ahead towards the "Next Development in Human Body".

These results include the cure of even the deadliest and incurable diseases like cancer, Hepatitis, Blood cancer, Arthritis and AIDS, without any medicine.

Practitioners have been able to see incidents of unlimited past and future (development of superior vision).

Some participants got their body freed form the magnetic field of Earth, as their body raised few feet’s above the ground level, during the "Method of Meditation".

The practitioners have developed the highest level of Immunity, as they remain unaffected by Diseases and Infections. Practitioners have also experienced Telepathy, without any effort.

All these facts are verifiable, as the "Inanimate Photo of Guru Siyag controls Human Body Movements", it can be experimented by any person of the world, sitting anywhere in the world, with a positive approach.

To realize the Potential Powers and Benefits of Guru Siyag's Method, it takes only a few Minutes, no learning, nor any practice required.

You can Experiment it right now, getting on the spot result and response, telepathically, using a mere Photo Image of Guru Siyag, all you have to do is to follow a simple 15 min's practical experimental "Method of Meditation" , given on .

Looking for a permanent solution to cure incurable diseases global threats Swine Flu Cancer AIDS HIV

“Man to Superman”
Complete transformation of Mankind by
“A technique more advanced than Genetic engineering”

Aurobindo was the only person in mankind’s history, to predict “Divine transformation of mankind”, and Guru Siyag is the only person who has made millions of people to realize and visualize this fact, practically.In other word’s, we can regard it as a “Advanced technique than Genetic engineering”.

Even a mere lifeless Photograph of Guru Siyag is inducing automatic yogic kriya's or physical body movements (lifeless Photo controls human body), during the state of spiritual meditation, as per the "Method of Meditation" given on
If some one does not get immediate result, due to lack of positive approach, he can try it out on other people, even a 5 years Child can do it.

To acquire knowledge or learn it, we have to approach the Guru (Master or Teacher) with a view point of a disciplined student, not with our mind full of suspicion, Ego and negative thoughts. If we approach Guru Siyag's Siddha Yoga with a Positive mind, nobody can stop us from getting practical result, sitting in any corner of the world.

Do you think Americans are less hard workers than Indians? , just a few day’s back, I came across a news about the prevailing economic crisis, saying that many were unable to pay even the electricity bills, their hard work was unable to stop the financial crisis. Are the scientists not working hard? They are unable to find a permanent cure for diseases. The BSE sensex crashed from 21000 to 9000, hard work could not prevent it.

The highest achievement of hard work is in the form of a huge stock of weapons of mass destruction, sufficient to destroy the world hundreds of times.

In spite of all hard work by international security agencies, most of the countries are being hit by terrorist attacks, killing innocent people; the terrorism is growing at alarming rate.
In spite of all these signs of our minds failure, we are still not ready to accept the limitations of our Brain, Mind and Science.

The time has come, when we must look beyond our ‘Mind’ and Science, to discover the “Super Mind” and “Superman hood” in this Human Body, in other words, we must develop our Body and Mind to attain the next higher version of present form of Human Being. Overcome all the limitations of this present form of human body and science, solving each and every problem of the entire World. It is nothing but the evolutionary process of ‘Beings’ or living organisms, which are undergoing continuous process of development, evolving into higher form of species.

Guru Siyag, a Spiritual Science Guru from Jodhpur town of Rajasthan state in India has introduced a ‘Practical Method’ to attain the “Next stage of development” in human beings. Guru Siyag’s method is based on the solid principles of ancient Indian Yoga Philosophy. Guru Siyag has proved it to be a complete science; Vedic Science gives results which can overcome all the draw backs and side effects of modern science. Guru Siyag is the founder and patron of AVSK: Adhyatma Vigyan Satsang Kendra, Jodhpur, INDIA (Spiritual Science Commune Centre).

Guru Siyag’s method is termed as Siddha Yoga; many people mistakenly take it as the prevailing form of ‘Yoga’ for health, which is a mere physical exercise, an artificial form resembling only a single part of ‘Yoga’. Where as the ‘Real Yoga’ has nothing to do with this artificial physical exercise kind of ‘Yoga’.

Guru Siyag has proved that the ‘Real Siddha Yoga’ aims at the complete and next development of human body to attain a divine bodily form, in other words, attaining ‘Super Mind’ and ‘Superman hood’. The changes observed in millions of People who follow Guru Siyag’s Siddha Yoga method, is a clear proof of this fact.

Guru Siyag's Siddha Yoga has given practical results in solving man made problems, curing the so called incurable diseases like Cancer, Arthritis, Hepatitis, Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Mental stress and AIDS without medicine, getting rid of all kinds of drug and other addictions without any after effects are only a few of its practical benefits. It is not at all a subject matter of blind belief or faith, and it can be verified practically.

Just take a careful look at the past history of Incarnations as per the Vedanta philosophy-
Matsya Avatar (incarnation) indicates the evolution and development of living Organisms in water, from single celled Amoeba to multi celled organisms.
Kasyap Avatar (incarnation) represents the next development in Living Organism, developing species like tortoise, crocodile etc., as now it was able to live in water as well as on land, the work not done by matsya was achieved by kasyap.
Then Varah incarnation arrived to bring about the next development, making the Living organisms able to live on Land, equipped with enhanced capabilities than the previous Version (Kasyap).
Narasimha incarnation indicates the next stage of development, developing Animals to Humans.
The development process went on in the form of Vamana, Parshurama, Ram and Krishna. Every Incarnation carried out the Next Development in the "Being".

It clearly indicates that every Incarnation represents the different stages of development process of living organisms on earth, as per the evolutionary development process. Each incarnation achieved a higher goal than the previous incarnations, and what was not achieved by all the past incarnations, will be achieved by the 10th incarnation called "Kalki", and this process of next development has already begun, leading towards the evolution of ‘Super mind and Superman hood’.
Not only Vedanta Philosophy( Presently known as Hinduism), but even other world religions like Christianity and Judaism are also declaring about the same “Person” but in different names called “The Comforter” or the “Next Prophet”, this is a “Amazing similarity of the world Religions”.

Guru Siyag has induced this process of next development in millions of people, who are practically experiencing this new discovery of Spiritual Science, exploring new frontiers of Evolutionary process.
This process prepares us to face the forthcoming “World Crisis”, uniting the world with peace and harmony, forever.

The incarnations took place from time to time, in order to bring about a revolutionary change or next development, and not just showing some miracles (Siddhis).

looking at the past history of incarnations, it is clear that if the "Kalki has come, he should bring about practical changes in Human's, leading to Next Development, never heard, seen or experienced before.

It clearly indicates that if the "Kalki" has arrived, every Human Being should be able to feel the change; Guru Siyag is practically inducing these Changes indicating the next development of Human Being, to attain a divine form.
("The Life Divine" by Aurobindo gives detailed description about Divine transformation of Mankind).

The changes observed in millions of People induced with "Shaktipaat" diksha by Guru Siyag, are like seeing incidents of unlimited past and future (Pratibh Gyan-Patanjali yoga sutra).
Ravindra Jain, a civil engineer saw the death of his friend in a road mishap, just after a few days, the incident occurred.
Mr. Tejpaal, businessman from Bangalore, saw the earthquake of "Latur"(Maharashtra) a week before it took place.

People get rid of drugs like Heroine, Opium, Alcohol, within a few days of Meditation.
More than 800 Medical Reports of patients showing cured from so called incurable disease like cancer and AIDS are available for verification at the AVSK headquarters, Jodhpur, India.

The Ashtang yoga or the Siddha Yoga was never limited to cure of diseases; it aims at the complete development of Human.
In simple words we can say "Yoga" means "Plus”, the union of Soul with the universal consciousness force which has several names like God, Jesus, Allah, Ishwar, Rama, Buddha, Krishna etc.
The Ashtaang yog or Patanjalis yog sutra's which were limited to reading or practice by Hatha yoga, have been made easy to realize practically, without any effort from our side, by Guru Siyag's Siddha Yoga.

Any way, one has to do it practically, with a positive approach and curiosity to learn, only then one can believe it, as it has never happened in Mankind’s History.
We can experiment it right now, sitting at our home, in any corner of the World. It requires no learning, nor any prior knowledge. All it requires is 15 min’s with a positive approach. So simple to do it yourself, even a 5 year child can do it; the reason is that it requires no effort from your side.

The medium of this experiment is a Photograph of Guru Siyag. Yes, Guru Siyag will induce and control this process telepathically through the Photograph of Guru Siyag, giving on the spot results.

Just click the “Method of Meditation” given on and follow the method, and all the remaining process will be controlled by the Spiritual power present in every human body, telepathically under the control of Guru Siyag. Surprisingly, to experiment this process, you need not to have met Guru Siyag face to face.

How to overcome drawbacks and side effects of Allopathy Medicine using Alternative Therapy

Diseases that humans suffer are classified by modern medical science into two broad categories — physical and mental. These are treated with internal medicines and/or external medicines or therapeutic applications. Ancient Indian sages delved deep into the mysteries of life through meditation and learned that diseases are not caused by accidental exposure to germs or pathogens, as medical scientists believe. The sages learned that much of human suffering is actually caused by the actions of each individual in his/her past life. Each action — good or bad — leads to a reaction in the same life cycle or carried over to the next. Since each individual is trapped in an unending cycle of life and death, the human suffering through diseases and highs and lows of life continue ceaselessly. Modern science does not accept continuance of life after physical death. That is why it looks for physical solutions to diseases but fails to come up with lasting cures. If science finds cure for one disease, other more challenging ones afflict the human race. This is because they refuse to believe that the root of the problem lies far beyond the physical existence of human being. Indian yogis however learned that beyond the physical and mental afflictions lies the spiritual disease. In other words, the spiritual Law of Karma — actions of the past resulting in diseases and other forms of suffering in the present life — governs human existence, life after life in a never-ending cycle. In his treatise ‘Yoga Sutra’, the Indian sage Patanjali classified the diseases into three categories – physical (Aadhidehik), mental (Aadhibhautik) and spiritual (Aadhidaivik).
A spiritual disease needs a spiritual remedy. Only regular practice of yoga under the guidance of a spiritual master like Guru Siyag can help the practitioner find a spiritual remedy for all his/her afflictions. It is only guru who can help a disciple to cut through the web of Karmic past, to get rid of disease/s and to realize the true purpose of his/ her life through self-realization. Guru Siyag has proved in a number of cases that the practical application of yoga can indeed heal and even cure chronic ailments such as arthritis and diabetes, and terminal diseases such as cancer and HIV/AIDS. Countless patients, practically given up for dead by doctors, have not only survived and regained good health but are also leading almost normal lives after seeking Guru Siyag’s blessings as a last resort and getting initiated into Siddha Yoga. (Please see section Siddha Yoga). Yoga takes over and succeeds where modern medical science reaches its final limitations in finding lasting relief or cure for a disease.
It is not surprising therefore that most patients who have lost all of hopes of survival even after trying out every possible medical option, usually come to Guru Siyag for help. Bhanwar Lal Jaat, a resident of Jodhpur (Rajasthan-India) was one such patient who had become a full-blown case of AIDS in its final stage. Doctors treating him, one day discharged him from the hospital where he was undergoing treatment and asked his close relations to take him home as he was on the brink of death. It was in this condition that Bhanwar Lal was brought to Guru Siyag on a stretcher one October afternoon in 2002. He could neither speak nor could he move his limbs. He barely managed to blink his eyelids in affirmation, when Guru Siyag asked him if he could hear. Guru Siyag then gave Bhanwar Lal a divine word, and told him to silently chant the mantra continuously. Desperate to live, Bhanwar Lal did as he was told, and began to show visible signs of recovery in a matter of one week to the utter astonishment of all around him. He later put on weight and regained normal health. Since then, he has been leading a normal life. He has no HIV-negative certificate though. Despite the tell-tale signs of Bhanwar Lal’s amazing recovery from AIDS and his apparent healthy condition today, the local medical fraternity refuses to probe his case as it scoffs at the idea of a spiritual cure of a disease that even doctors in the advanced West have not been able to find.
The case of Mrs Sushila, a resident of Bikaner (Rajasthan-India), who suffered from Leukemia was also similar. In the April of 2000, her WBC count reached dangerous levels. As a last resort, her family sought alternative healing and were soon told by friends about Guru Siyag. In May 200, Sushila took initiation from Guru Siyag. Just nine days after taking initiation from Guru Siyag, Sushila began to show amazing recovery. Within two months of practicing Siddha Yoga, Sushila’s WBC count were found to be within normal range. The word about spectacular recovery patients such as Bhanwar Lal and Sushila spread like wild fire around the country and soon desperate HIV/AIDS and cancer patients started pouring into Guru Siyag’s Ashram to seek his divine help for their survival. The same has been the case with people suffering from cancer. Adhyatma Vigyan Satsang Kendra (AVSK), the spiritual organization headed by Guru Siyag, has compiled the data of a large number of terminal and chronic cases of diseases cured. Typically, however, in almost every case of amazing recovery of a patient through Guru Siyag’s Siddha Yoga, medical doctors refused to acknowledge the incredible reversal of a disease for which they had no plausible explanation.
The benefit of Guru Siyag’s divine powers can be extended to greater number of people in India and even abroad. However, his repeated attempts to reach out have run into the wall of indifference displayed by Government bureaucracy, politicians and the urban elite, which has no real faith in healing powers of the divine force.
It is in the face of this persistent indifference and even a degree of hostility at home in India that Guru Siyag is now trying to reach out to the West to take the benefits of Siddha Yoga to humanity around the world. He is aware that people with the scientific approach in the West have an open mind in probing new horizons of knowledge even if such knowledge doesn’t fit into the rigid criteria of physical science but gives desired results all the same.
Note: This is not a mere news article, it is a practical manual describing a “Do it yourself” Practical Experiment, at Home. It takes only 15 min’s to verify this fact, just follow a simple “Method of Meditation” given on , for on the spot result, right now, within a few seconds, sounds unbelievable, relax, there are millions of people who have tried out this experiment to get the taste.
Free Download and more info 0n

How to face Global Threats World Economic Crisis by Guru Siyag method of Meditation


Prevailing Economical, Environmental, Political and Military Crisis of the World, are a clear indication of the forthcoming World Crisis, ready to engulf the Peace and Harmony on Planet Earth. This has made me to convey this message to the Intellectual Community of the whole World, so that they can analyze the possible solution to save the Mankind from a World Crisis.

The present World Scenario was foreseen by the ancient sages, astrologers and Spiritual People of Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism, they had predicted the “World Crisis”, hundreds and thousands years back.

I have been a student of Spiritual Science, Modern Science, Industrial and Business management, Agriculture, as well as Mass Communication and Journalism. Experimenting Spiritual Science for more than 11 years, finally concluded that, the "New Innovative Method" of Spiritual Science, as Discovered by Guru Siyag, a Spiritual Genius from India, can save the Mankind from World Crisis.

Guru Siyag has proved that, Spiritual Science based on the solid principles of ancient Vedanta Philosophy of India, is a practical Science, which gives spot results, just like a modern science experiment. Guru Siyag has developed a simple, yet powerful "15 Min’s Method" of Experimenting Spiritual Science, giving on the spot, unmatchable results. As discovered by Guru Siyag, the Vedic Science based Method aims at the "Complete Development of Human Being".

Yes, Man is a Transitional Being, and not yet complete, undergoing the process of development cycle of Nature. The evolution of living organisms started with the single celled species like Amoeba, then developed into fish, tortoise, animals, monkey, Homosapiens and Man. Man is the highest developed living organism at present time. Man too is under the process of changing into a next or higher stage of the living organisms.

When we have noticed the development process from Amoeba to Man, we have to accept the truth that Man will also undergo the process of development cycle of Nature. As a law of nature, every thing undergoes continuous change. As these changes take place slowly, over thousands of years, we are unable to notice or judge them.

Let us come to the point. The present form of Man is dependent on external sources or materials, for survival. As a development process, the Man has developed its Brain capacity to a great extent, when compared to 100 years back.

This has resulted in the Maximum development of Modern Science increasing dependency on machines and electronic gadgets. In spite of all its present development of Science, there is no end to the Sorrows and Miseries of life; we have not been able to win over even the Diseases.

Guru Siyag has proved that the problems left unsolved by Modern Science, cannot be solved until and unless the "Next Development" process in Human Beings is induced. In the language of Genetic Engineering, we can say that, the making of a Superman can only solve the problems forever.

The Vedic Science clearly say's that Man can develop such powers, so that he will not have to rely on any external material or source, to fulfill his requirements. Guru Siyag clarified this by pointing out at the most important Formula of the Vedic Science, which say's - "What ever present in the Universe, is present in the Human Body, and what ever present in the Human Body is present in the Universe". Then where is the need for the Human to depend on external sources and materials.

Complete Development of Human is nothing but developing the present form of Human body, into a "Divine Bodily form" or a Superior Bodily form, which will possess the powers and capability to create materialistic things, without relying on external raw materials. This Superior bodily form will not be affected by any kind of Diseases or Infections, nor can be destroyed by fire or weapons.

This description seems to be comic story, but the results obtained by the people who have been experimenting with Spiritual Science, under the guidance and leadership of Guru Siyag, are more than enough, to make us sure of moving ahead towards the "Next Development in Human Body".

These results include the cure of even the deadliest and incurable diseases like cancer, Hepatitis, Blood cancer, Arthritis and AIDS, without any medicine.

Practitioners have been able to see incidents of unlimited past and future (development of superior vision).

Some participants got their body freed form the magnetic field of Earth, as their body raised few feet’s above the ground level, during the "Method of Meditation".

The practitioners have developed the highest level of Immunity, as they remain unaffected by Diseases and Infections. Practitioners have also experienced Telepathy, without any effort.

All these facts are verifiable, as the "Inanimate Photo of Guru Siyag controls Human Body Movements", it can be experimented by any person of the world, sitting anywhere in the world, with a positive approach.

To realize the Potential Powers and Benefits of Guru Siyag's Method, it takes only a few Minutes, no learning, nor any practice required.

You can Experiment it right now, getting on the spot result and response, telepathically, using a mere Photo Image of Guru Siyag, all you have to do is to follow a simple 15 min's practical experimental "Method of Meditation" , given on .

Can we cure Swine Flu Cancer AIDS Mental Stress by Alternative Therapy?

Diseases that humans suffer are classified by modern medical science into two broad categories — physical and mental. These are treated with internal medicines and/or external medicines or therapeutic applications. Ancient Indian sages delved deep into the mysteries of life through meditation and learned that diseases are not caused by accidental exposure to germs or pathogens, as medical scientists believe. The sages learned that much of human suffering is actually caused by the actions of each individual in his/her past life. Each action — good or bad — leads to a reaction in the same life cycle or carried over to the next. Since each individual is trapped in an unending cycle of life and death, the human suffering through diseases and highs and lows of life continue ceaselessly. Modern science does not accept continuance of life after physical death. That is why it looks for physical solutions to diseases but fails to come up with lasting cures. If science finds cure for one disease, other more challenging ones afflict the human race. This is because they refuse to believe that the root of the problem lies far beyond the physical existence of human being. Indian yogis however learned that beyond the physical and mental afflictions lies the spiritual disease. In other words, the spiritual Law of Karma — actions of the past resulting in diseases and other forms of suffering in the present life — governs human existence, life after life in a never-ending cycle. In his treatise ‘Yoga Sutra’, the Indian sage Patanjali classified the diseases into three categories – physical (Aadhidehik), mental (Aadhibhautik) and spiritual (Aadhidaivik).
A spiritual disease needs a spiritual remedy. Only regular practice of yoga under the guidance of a spiritual master like Guru Siyag can help the practitioner find a spiritual remedy for all his/her afflictions. It is only guru who can help a disciple to cut through the web of Karmic past, to get rid of disease/s and to realize the true purpose of his/ her life through self-realization. Guru Siyag has proved in a number of cases that the practical application of yoga can indeed heal and even cure chronic ailments such as arthritis and diabetes, and terminal diseases such as cancer and HIV/AIDS. Countless patients, practically given up for dead by doctors, have not only survived and regained good health but are also leading almost normal lives after seeking Guru Siyag’s blessings as a last resort and getting initiated into Siddha Yoga. (Please see section Siddha Yoga). Yoga takes over and succeeds where modern medical science reaches its final limitations in finding lasting relief or cure for a disease.
It is not surprising therefore that most patients who have lost all of hopes of survival even after trying out every possible medical option, usually come to Guru Siyag for help. Bhanwar Lal Jaat, a resident of Jodhpur (Rajasthan-India) was one such patient who had become a full-blown case of AIDS in its final stage. Doctors treating him, one day discharged him from the hospital where he was undergoing treatment and asked his close relations to take him home as he was on the brink of death. It was in this condition that Bhanwar Lal was brought to Guru Siyag on a stretcher one October afternoon in 2002. He could neither speak nor could he move his limbs. He barely managed to blink his eyelids in affirmation, when Guru Siyag asked him if he could hear. Guru Siyag then gave Bhanwar Lal a divine word, and told him to silently chant the mantra continuously. Desperate to live, Bhanwar Lal did as he was told, and began to show visible signs of recovery in a matter of one week to the utter astonishment of all around him. He later put on weight and regained normal health. Since then, he has been leading a normal life. He has no HIV-negative certificate though. Despite the tell-tale signs of Bhanwar Lal’s amazing recovery from AIDS and his apparent healthy condition today, the local medical fraternity refuses to probe his case as it scoffs at the idea of a spiritual cure of a disease that even doctors in the advanced West have not been able to find.
The case of Mrs Sushila, a resident of Bikaner (Rajasthan-India), who suffered from Leukemia was also similar. In the April of 2000, her WBC count reached dangerous levels. As a last resort, her family sought alternative healing and were soon told by friends about Guru Siyag. In May 200, Sushila took initiation from Guru Siyag. Just nine days after taking initiation from Guru Siyag, Sushila began to show amazing recovery. Within two months of practicing Siddha Yoga, Sushila’s WBC count were found to be within normal range. The word about spectacular recovery patients such as Bhanwar Lal and Sushila spread like wild fire around the country and soon desperate HIV/AIDS and cancer patients started pouring into Guru Siyag’s Ashram to seek his divine help for their survival. The same has been the case with people suffering from cancer. Adhyatma Vigyan Satsang Kendra (AVSK), the spiritual organization headed by Guru Siyag, has compiled the data of a large number of terminal and chronic cases of diseases cured. Typically, however, in almost every case of amazing recovery of a patient through Guru Siyag’s Siddha Yoga, medical doctors refused to acknowledge the incredible reversal of a disease for which they had no plausible explanation.
The benefit of Guru Siyag’s divine powers can be extended to greater number of people in India and even abroad. However, his repeated attempts to reach out have run into the wall of indifference displayed by Government bureaucracy, politicians and the urban elite, which has no real faith in healing powers of the divine force.
It is in the face of this persistent indifference and even a degree of hostility at home in India that Guru Siyag is now trying to reach out to the West to take the benefits of Siddha Yoga to humanity around the world. He is aware that people with the scientific approach in the West have an open mind in probing new horizons of knowledge even if such knowledge doesn’t fit into the rigid criteria of physical science but gives desired results all the same.
Note: This is not a mere news article, it is a practical manual describing a “Do it yourself” Practical Experiment, at Home. It takes only 15 min’s to verify this fact, just follow a simple “Method of Meditation” given on , for on the spot result, right now, within a few seconds, sounds unbelievable, relax, there are millions of people who have tried out this experiment to get the taste.
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Is Swine Flu, Cancer, AIDS, Insomnia curable by Guru Siyag Method of Meditation

The Viral Load Test medical diagnosis laboratory Reports of several patients suffering from AIDS/HIV disease have proved that Guru Siyag’s Siddha Yoga can save the Mankind from this deadly disease. Not only AIDS/HIV, there are Medical Diagnosis Lab Reports clearly indicating the Cure and Improvement in Patients suffering from the so called Incurable Diseases like Cancer, Arthritis, Hepatitis, Hemophilia, Diabetes, High or Low Blood Pressure. More than 800 medical laboratory diagnosis reports, telling the success story of Siddha Yoga in curing incurable diseases, of course without administering any kind of medicine and without spending even a single penny from patients pocket, are available for public viewing, at the Adhyatma vigyan satsang Kendra, Jodhpur.
Jawaharlal Bohra, a share market broker from Mumbai got cured from Cancer and Hepatitis in 1998, Ramkishor from Nagaur git rid of High BP and Mental Tension in 2007, Vikas Kumar from Jodhpur was relieved from Migraine in 2004, Lundaas Sant from Shergarh got cured of Cancer Tumour in 2008, Hemant s/o Ghanshyam Choudhary, resident of Nagaur was cured of Haemophilia in 2003, P K Singh from Tamilnadu got rid of AIDS in 2005, Pukhraj from Barmer, suffering from Cancer Tumour, got cured in 2003, Dalaram from Jalore got rid of AIDS in 2006, Jamtaram from Jalore was cured of AIDS in 2008, there are hundreds of such examples who were suffering from incurable deadly diseases in the past, are living a Healthy life even Today.
Maharishi Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra clearly states that Yoga is meant for the complete development of the Human Being, and not just for the cure of diseases. As these diseases are a Hurdle in the complete development of the Human, hence these are cured in the first part of this process of Siddha Yoga. Mahrishi Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra describes Yoga as “Chitta ki vrittion ka nirodh hi yog hai”. The list of diseases cured by Guru Siyag’s Siddha Yoga is never ending, as Siddha Yoga not only eradicates all sorts of Physical, Mental and Spiritual Diseases, but aims at all round and complete development of the Human Being.
Guru Ramlal Siyag, Rajasthan, India based Propagator of Siddha Yoga, the founder and patron of Adhyatma Vigyan Satsang Kendra, Jodhpur, describes it as process based on the solid principles of Vedic Science. Siddha Yoga aims at complete development of the Human Being. Guru Siyag clarified it as the “Next development in Human”, as man is a transitional being, and not yet complete.
Today we are spending Millions of Dollars to get rid of deadly diseases like Swine Flu, Cancer, AIDS, and other incurable diseases all over the World. In addition to this, we are also loosing the valuable Man Power, as the most rapidly spreading diseases are taking the younger generation in its grip. This destructive process can be reversed by adopting the time tested “Siddha Yoga”, absolutely free of cost, said Guru Siyag, addressing a mass, at the “Shaktipaat Diksha”, initiation programme of Siddha Yoga, on 25 th September, Thursday evening at Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. If this method of Guru Siyag’s Siddha Yoga, based on the solid principles of Vedic Science is adopted, nobody can stop Mankind to win over deadly diseases. To achieve this, we will have to diffentiate between the artificial Yoga and the Siddha Yoga. The Yoga going on today is a kind of physical body exercise, and not the Siddha Yoga as described by Maharishi Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra’s.
Note: This is not a mere news article, it is a practical manual describing a “Do it yourself” Practical Experiment, at Home. It takes only 15 min’s to verify this fact(If approached positively), just follow a simple “Method of Meditation” given on , for on the spot result, right now, within a few seconds, sounds unbelievable, relax, there are millions of people who have tried out this experiment to get the taste.
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In search of Possible cure of swine flu cancer AIDS HI Insomnia? Alternative therapy Guru Siyag yoga

Today we are spending Millions of Dollars to get rid of deadly diseases like Swine Flu, Cancer, AIDS, and other incurable diseases all over the World. In addition to this, we are also loosing the valuable Man Power, as the most rapidly spreading diseases are taking the younger generation in its grip. This destructive process can be reversed by adopting the time tested “Siddha Yoga”, absolutely free of cost, said Guru Siyag, addressing a mass, at the “Shaktipaat Diksha”, initiation programme of Siddha Yoga, on 25 th September, Thursday evening at Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. If this method of Guru Siyag’s Siddha Yoga, based on the solid principles of Vedic Science is adopted, nobody can stop Mankind to win over deadly diseases. To achieve this, we will have to diffentiate between the artificial Yoga and the Siddha Yoga. The Yoga going on today is a kind of physical body exercise, and not the Siddha Yoga as described by Maharishi Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra’s.
Note: This is not a mere news article, it is a practical manual describing a “Do it yourself” Practical Experiment, at Home. It takes only 15 min’s to verify this fact(If approached positively), just follow a simple “Method of Meditation” given on , for on the spot result, right now, within a few seconds, sounds unbelievable, relax, there are millions of people who have tried out this experiment to get the taste.
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