Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Photograph induces physical body movement in Humans - Mystery for Science

“Man to Superman”
Complete transformation of Mankind by
“A technique more advanced than Genetic engineering”

Aurobindo was the only person in mankind’s history, to predict “Divine transformation of mankind”, and Guru Siyag is the only person who has made millions of people to realize and visualize this fact, practically.In other word’s, we can regard it as a “Advanced technique than Genetic engineering”.

Even a mere lifeless Photograph of Guru Siyag is inducing automatic yogic kriya's or physical body movements (lifeless Photo controls human body), during the state of spiritual meditation, as per the "Method of Meditation" given on
If some one does not get immediate result, due to lack of positive approach, he can try it out on other people, even a 5 years Child can do it.

To acquire knowledge or learn it, we have to approach the Guru (Master or Teacher) with a view point of a disciplined student, not with our mind full of suspicion, Ego and negative thoughts. If we approach Guru Siyag's Siddha Yoga with a Positive mind, nobody can stop us from getting practical result, sitting in any corner of the world.

Do you think Americans are less hard workers than Indians? , just a few day’s back, I came across a news about the prevailing economic crisis, saying that many were unable to pay even the electricity bills, their hard work was unable to stop the financial crisis. Are the scientists not working hard? They are unable to find a permanent cure for diseases. The BSE sensex crashed from 21000 to 9000, hard work could not prevent it.

The highest achievement of hard work is in the form of a huge stock of weapons of mass destruction, sufficient to destroy the world hundreds of times.

In spite of all hard work by international security agencies, most of the countries are being hit by terrorist attacks, killing innocent people; the terrorism is growing at alarming rate.
In spite of all these signs of our minds failure, we are still not ready to accept the limitations of our Brain, Mind and Science.

The time has come, when we must look beyond our ‘Mind’ and Science, to discover the “Super Mind” and “Superman hood” in this Human Body, in other words, we must develop our Body and Mind to attain the next higher version of present form of Human Being. Overcome all the limitations of this present form of human body and science, solving each and every problem of the entire World. It is nothing but the evolutionary process of ‘Beings’ or living organisms, which are undergoing continuous process of development, evolving into higher form of species.

Guru Siyag, a Spiritual Science Guru from Jodhpur town of Rajasthan state in India has introduced a ‘Practical Method’ to attain the “Next stage of development” in human beings. Guru Siyag’s method is based on the solid principles of ancient Indian Yoga Philosophy. Guru Siyag has proved it to be a complete science; Vedic Science gives results which can overcome all the draw backs and side effects of modern science. Guru Siyag is the founder and patron of AVSK: Adhyatma Vigyan Satsang Kendra, Jodhpur, INDIA (Spiritual Science Commune Centre).

Guru Siyag’s method is termed as Siddha Yoga; many people mistakenly take it as the prevailing form of ‘Yoga’ for health, which is a mere physical exercise, an artificial form resembling only a single part of ‘Yoga’. Where as the ‘Real Yoga’ has nothing to do with this artificial physical exercise kind of ‘Yoga’.

Guru Siyag has proved that the ‘Real Siddha Yoga’ aims at the complete and next development of human body to attain a divine bodily form, in other words, attaining ‘Super Mind’ and ‘Superman hood’. The changes observed in millions of People who follow Guru Siyag’s Siddha Yoga method, is a clear proof of this fact.

Guru Siyag's Siddha Yoga has given practical results in solving man made problems, curing the so called incurable diseases like Cancer, Arthritis, Hepatitis, Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Mental stress and AIDS without medicine, getting rid of all kinds of drug and other addictions without any after effects are only a few of its practical benefits. It is not at all a subject matter of blind belief or faith, and it can be verified practically.

Just take a careful look at the past history of Incarnations as per the Vedanta philosophy-
Matsya Avatar (incarnation) indicates the evolution and development of living Organisms in water, from single celled Amoeba to multi celled organisms.
Kasyap Avatar (incarnation) represents the next development in Living Organism, developing species like tortoise, crocodile etc., as now it was able to live in water as well as on land, the work not done by matsya was achieved by kasyap.
Then Varah incarnation arrived to bring about the next development, making the Living organisms able to live on Land, equipped with enhanced capabilities than the previous Version (Kasyap).
Narasimha incarnation indicates the next stage of development, developing Animals to Humans.
The development process went on in the form of Vamana, Parshurama, Ram and Krishna. Every Incarnation carried out the Next Development in the "Being".

It clearly indicates that every Incarnation represents the different stages of development process of living organisms on earth, as per the evolutionary development process. Each incarnation achieved a higher goal than the previous incarnations, and what was not achieved by all the past incarnations, will be achieved by the 10th incarnation called "Kalki", and this process of next development has already begun, leading towards the evolution of ‘Super mind and Superman hood’.
Not only Vedanta Philosophy( Presently known as Hinduism), but even other world religions like Christianity and Judaism are also declaring about the same “Person” but in different names called “The Comforter” or the “Next Prophet”, this is a “Amazing similarity of the world Religions”.

Guru Siyag has induced this process of next development in millions of people, who are practically experiencing this new discovery of Spiritual Science, exploring new frontiers of Evolutionary process.
This process prepares us to face the forthcoming “World Crisis”, uniting the world with peace and harmony, forever.

The incarnations took place from time to time, in order to bring about a revolutionary change or next development, and not just showing some miracles (Siddhis).

looking at the past history of incarnations, it is clear that if the "Kalki has come, he should bring about practical changes in Human's, leading to Next Development, never heard, seen or experienced before.

It clearly indicates that if the "Kalki" has arrived, every Human Being should be able to feel the change; Guru Siyag is practically inducing these Changes indicating the next development of Human Being, to attain a divine form.
("The Life Divine" by Aurobindo gives detailed description about Divine transformation of Mankind).

The changes observed in millions of People induced with "Shaktipaat" diksha by Guru Siyag, are like seeing incidents of unlimited past and future (Pratibh Gyan-Patanjali yoga sutra).
Ravindra Jain, a civil engineer saw the death of his friend in a road mishap, just after a few days, the incident occurred.
Mr. Tejpaal, businessman from Bangalore, saw the earthquake of "Latur"(Maharashtra) a week before it took place.

People get rid of drugs like Heroine, Opium, Alcohol, within a few days of Meditation.
More than 800 Medical Reports of patients showing cured from so called incurable disease like cancer and AIDS are available for verification at the AVSK headquarters, Jodhpur, India.

The Ashtang yoga or the Siddha Yoga was never limited to cure of diseases; it aims at the complete development of Human.
In simple words we can say "Yoga" means "Plus”, the union of Soul with the universal consciousness force which has several names like God, Jesus, Allah, Ishwar, Rama, Buddha, Krishna etc.
The Ashtaang yog or Patanjalis yog sutra's which were limited to reading or practice by Hatha yoga, have been made easy to realize practically, without any effort from our side, by Guru Siyag's Siddha Yoga.

Any way, one has to do it practically, with a positive approach and curiosity to learn, only then one can believe it, as it has never happened in Mankind’s History.
We can experiment it right now, sitting at our home, in any corner of the World. It requires no learning, nor any prior knowledge. All it requires is 15 min’s with a positive approach. So simple to do it yourself, even a 5 year child can do it; the reason is that it requires no effort from your side.

The medium of this experiment is a Photograph of Guru Siyag. Yes, Guru Siyag will induce and control this process telepathically through the Photograph of Guru Siyag, giving on the spot results.

Just click the “Method of Meditation” given on and follow the method, and all the remaining process will be controlled by the Spiritual power present in every human body, telepathically under the control of Guru Siyag. Surprisingly, to experiment this process, you need not to have met Guru Siyag face to face.

A mere lifeless Photograph of Guru Siyag downloaded from the above link is more than enough to get you start off practically, exploring the unlimited potential powers of Spiritual Science.

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